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Medicaid Waiver
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Medicaid Waiver
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The purpose of this test is to enable this Agency to determine your competency to perform Personal Care Attended duties. It is NOT a Personal Care Attended certification tool. It will be used by the Agency as one of the factors to assess your suitability for employment or continued employment with this Agency as a Care Aide. To pass this test, you will need to score at least 85% or correctly answer 30 of the 35 questions. Good Luck!
MM slash DD slash YYYY
1. Which of the following activities is a Personal Care Attended permitted to perform? ( select all that apply)
a. take telephone orders from a doctor
b. assist client with transferring, repositioning, and walking
c. give medications reminders
d. perform procedures that require sterile techniques
2. When documenting information in a client’s file, which of the following is correct?
a. chart procedures before they are completed
b. cross out incorrect information and initial the correction
c. use an eraser for corrections to keep notations neat
d. document an observation that a Team Member saw
3. A client’s risk of injury can be reduced by:
a. decreased vision
b. use of medication
c. decreased awareness
d. wearing anti-slip foot-ware
4. A client asks to read A Personal Care Attended ’s notes after she has written them. What should a Personal Care Attended do?
a. Advise him the notes are only for the agency workers who are involved in his care.
b. Advise him the notes are only to be viewed by agency & community resources. involved in his care
c. Advise him that she and the Supervisor are the only ones permitted to see the notes.
d. Allow him to read the notes.
5. Which would a Personal Care Attended not do when trying to get a senior to eat properly?
a. serve three large meals a day
b. serve snacks between meals
c. flavor the food with herbs and spices
d. serve food which the senior enjoys
6. Which of the following is a safe way to handle food?
a. Thaw food in the refrigerator.
b. Ensure meat is cooked enough by smelling it.
c. Use the same cutting board for meat, & vegetables.
d. Leave cooked food out of refrigerator overnight.
7. When assisting a client with his medication a Personal Care Attended does only?
a. Loosen and remove container lids.
b. Count out the required number of tablets & give them to client.
c. Provide medication reminders.
d. Bring prefilled syringes to client, according to the care plan.
8. An example of a blood-borne disease is:
a. Hepatitis B
b. Mumps
c. Pneumonia
d. Measles
9. A Personal Care Attended is with a client, who starts to fall. The Personal Care Attended should:
a. Try to stop the fall by grabbing hold of his arms.
b. Allow him to fall and hope he lands safely.
c. Ease him gently to the floor, as the Personal Care Attended bends her knees & straightens back
d. Lower him slowly to the floor, as Personal Care Attended leans over from the waist.
10. When assisting dressing a client with an injured arm, a Personal Care Attended should:
a. Decide what the client should wear.
b. Put clothing on the injured arm first.
c. Put clothing on the uninjured arm first.
d. Dress him herself so dressing does not take as long.
11. To be an active and effective Team Member a Personal Care Attended would not:
a. provide input and offer opinions
b. try to solve problems
c. consult with other team players
d. be unwilling to compromise
12. When handling household waste, which of the following is not correct:
a. Place soiled bandages/disposable sheets and disposable gloves directly into waste containers.
b. Keep wastes in separate packaging during collection, storage and transportation.
c. Sort all wastes into correct categories at the spot where they are produced.
d. Wash hands for 15 seconds with soap and water after contact with waste.
13. Which of the following confidentiality practices is not okay?
a. The client’s personal information may be shared with others, as long as the client consents.
b. The client’s personal information may be shared with another Agency Personal Care Attended who is not involved with his care.
c. The personal information of clients should be kept secure and private.
d. The client’s personal information should only be used for the purpose in which it is intended.
14. When assisting bathing a client, which of the following activities would a Personal Care Attended not do?
a. Ensure privacy and water is at comfortable temperature
b. Wash from the cleanest area to the dirtiest area
c. Wash from the dirtiest area to the cleanest area
d. Use soap first, followed by a through rinsing
15. A client is reacting to his illness by turning away from others. A Personal Care Attended can help him through this withdrawal reaction by:
a. avoiding the client and allowing him to be alone
b. scheduling family activities along with care and rest periods
c. making decisions for him so he doesn’t have to bother
d. ignoring his being undressed and dishevelled appearance
16. Personal Care Attended is a assisting client with skin care and notice a skin issue that will require attention, what should the Personal Care Attended do next? (Select all that apply)
a. Notify client/ client representative and Agency of the change
b. Do nothing at all
c. Put a band aid on it and continue with care
d. Document the change in client’s binder
17. A Personal Care Attended finds her frail client wedged between the wall and his wheel-less bed. He is unresponsive. What should the Personal Care Attended
a. Call 911 for assistance.
b. Try to move the bed away from the wall.
c. Grab hold of his body and try to pull him out.
d. Place a blanket over him.
18. A client comes from a culture that believes bathing should only be done weekly. He is incontinent of both stool and urine and should be bathed daily. How should a Personal Care Attended handle this situation?
a. Bathe him daily, or more frequently, to deal with the incontinency.
b. Bathe him weekly, as he requests.
c. Suggest wash only “dirty areas”, as needed between regular weekly bath
d. Advise him to obtain another Personal Care Attended.
19. Which of the following would a Personal Care Attended not do to prevent transmitting germs?
a. Wear masks, eye protection &/or face shields during procedures that are likely to cause splashes.
b. Wash gloves thoroughly before re-using them.
c. Wash hands between tasks and procedures on the same client.
d. Wash hands after removing her gown.
20. A Personal Care Attended is assisting a client to prepare for an appointment. He insists on wearing his favorite shirt, which is stained and frayed. What should the Personal Care Attended do?
a. Let him wear the shirt.
b. Tell him he can’t wear it and remove it from his sight.
c. Phone the Supervisor for instructions
d. Insist that he wear a shirt that she chooses.
21. Which of the following is not an effective listening technique?
a. being able to understand gestures, words and behavior.
b. being unsympathetic and judgmental
c. being a good listener.
d. recognizing when to stop listening and when to start providing suitable replies
22. A client hands his Personal Care Attended $25.00 for “all the little extras” she does for him. What should the Personal Care Attended do?
a. Accept the money but tell him it is a one-time only gift.
b. Thank him for the thought, but don’t accept the money.
c. Accept the money and donate it to charity.
d. Don’t accept the money and tell his family about the gesture.
23. Which of the following will help prevent germs from spreading?
a. going to work with an undiagnosed rash
b. keeping immunizations up to date
c. washing hands thoroughly at the beginning and end of shift
d. rubbing eyes with hands
24. A Personal Care Attended observes a co-worker sneaking a drink of alcohol while on duty. As a Personal Care Attended, what should her first step be?
a. Notify the supervisor.
b. Advise the co-worker that she saw her take a drink.
c. Follow her company’s policy for reporting suspected alcohol abuse.
d. Let other employees know that she saw her consume alcohol.
25. An individual, hired as a companion, is not permitted to:
a. Converse and play games with the client.
b. Help client to keep in touch with friends and the outside world.
c. Assist client with range of motion exercises.
d. Transport client to appointments, run errands and shop
26. Which of the following methods would a Personal Care Attended not use to share information about a client’s status with the other members of the Home Care Team?
a. progress notes
b. texting
c. shift change reports
d. follow-up reports
27. A client asks his Personal Care Attended for the name and phone number of the Supervisor so he can complain about another Personal Care Attended . What should a Personal Care Attended do? (Select all that apply)
a. Try to find out what his complaint is.
b. Advise him the supervisor is not available.
c. Suggest he wait a day or so to see if he changes his mind.
d. Give him the Supervisor’s name and phone number.
28. The basics of good housekeeping do not include:
a. overlooking greasy or wet surfaces
b. keeping work areas neat and orderly
c. maintaining halls and floors free of slip and trip hazards
d. removing waste materials
29. Which of the following would a Personal Care Attended not do when dealing with a difficult client?
a. Change whatever she can with herself.
b. Show an interest in him.
c. Let him know he us the one with a problem,
d. Find out why he is having a problem,
30. A client is very committed to his religion & likes to discuss his beliefs with his Personal Care Attended. The Personal Care Attended does not share his beliefs. How should a Personal Care Attended help him?
a. Let him talk about his beliefs.
b. Let him talk, then tell him what her religious beliefs are.
c. Ask him to change the subject from religion.
d. Tell him she won’t come again if he talks about religion.
31. When communicating with seniors who have dementia, a Personal Care Attended should not:
a. Speak to them in a normal tone and volume of voice.
b. Ask more than one question at a time.
c. Keep eye contact and smile – avoid frowning.
d. Talk while she walks with those who pace back and forth
32. A doctor phones to report he has ordered a new medication for a client. He states it must be administered as soon as the pharmacy delivers it. The Personal Care Attended is the only person with the client. What should a Personal Care Attended do?
a. Write the order down exactly as the doctor stated it.
b. Give the medication to the client as soon as it is delivered.
c. Advise the doctor she can’t take the order and to contact family.
d. Contact the Supervisor.
33. A client health appears to become unstable. What should the employee do? (Select all that apply)
a. If emergency call 911
b. Notify clint/client representative
c. Notify Agency
d. Complete a unstable health condition form
34. Which of the following statements about used sharp objects is correct?
a. Sharp objects should not be recapped, bent, sheared, or broken.
b. Sharp objects should be uncapped when they are carried.
c. Sharp objects should be discarded in puncture-proof containers.
d. Personal Care attendant doesn’t deal with needles, due to doesn’t manage health related issues
35. How many seconds should you wash your hands?
a. 2-5 seconds
b. 5-10 seconds
c. 10-15 seconds
d. 20-30 seconds